Posted by : Joseph Wayne Fox 4/29/2021

Organic (Plant Medicine) & Uses

NOTE: Do not use if you're using Synthetic Medication. Please consult with a healthcare provider before using these for medicinal purposes as they may have side effects or interact with other medications.

Seed Banks

1. Digitalis Lanata (Grecian foxglove, woolly foxglove) - Cardiotonic

2. Adonis Vernalis (pheasant's eye, red chamomile) - Cardiotonic

3. Aesculus Hippocastanum (horse chestnut) - Antiinflammatory

4. Frazinus Rhychophylla - Antidysentery

5. Agrimonia Supatoria - Anthelmintic

6. Rauvolfia Sepentina - Treatment for circulatory disorders

7. Brassica Nigra (black mustard) - Rubefacient

8. Anabasis Sphylla - Skeletal muscle relaxant

9. Andrographis Paniculata - Treatment for baccillary dysentery

10. Anisodus Tanguticus - Anticholinergic

11. Areca Catechu (betel nut palm) - Anthelmintic

12. Centella Asiatica (gotu cola) - Vulnerary

13. Atropa Belladonna (deadly nightshade) - Anticholinergic

14. Berberis Vulgaris (common barberry) - Treatment for bacillary dysentery

15. Ardisia Japonica (marlberry) - Antitussive

16. Betula Alba (common birch) - Anticancerous

17. Ananas Comosus (pineapple) - Antiinflammatory, proteolytic

18. Camellia Sinensis (tea, also coffee, cocoa and other plants) - CNS stimulant

19. Cinnamomum Camphora (camphor tree) - Rubefacient

20. Camptotheca Acuminata - Anticancerous

21. Potentilla Fragarioides - Hemostatic

22. Carica Papaya (papaya) - Proteolytic, mucolytic

23. Cissampelos Pareira (velvet leaf) - Skeletal muscle relaxant

24. Papaver Somniferum (poppy) - Analgesic, antitussive

25. Colchicum Autumnale (autumn crocus) - Antitumor agent

26. Colchicum Autumnale (autumn crocus) - Antitumor, antigout

27. Convallaria Majalis (lily-of-the-valley) - Cardiotonic

28. Curcuma Longa (turmeric) - Choleretic

29. Cynara Scolymus (artichoke) - Choleretic

30. Cassia Species - Laxative

31. Rauvolfia Canescens - Antihypertensive, tranquilizer

32. Digitalis Lanata (Grecian foxglove, woolly foxglove) - Cardiotonic

33. Mucuna Species (nescafe, cowage, velvetbean) - Anti-parkinsonism

34. Digitalis Purpurea (purple foxglove) - Cardiotonic

35. Digitalis Purpurea (purple or common foxglove) - Cardiotonic

36. Cephaelis Ipecacuanha - Amoebicide, emetic

37. Ephedra Sinica (ephedra, ma huang) - Sympathomimetic, antihistamine

38. Podophyllum Peltatum (mayapple) - Antitumor agent

39. Lycoris Squamigera (magic lily, resurrection lily, naked lady) - Cholinesterase inhibitor

40. Digitalis Purpurea (purple or common foxglove) - Cardiotonic

41. Simarouba Glauca (paradise tree) - Amoebicide

42. Glaucium Flavum (yellow hornpoppy, horned poppy, sea poppy) - Antitussive

43. Octea Glaziovii - Antidepressant

44. Glycyrrhiza Glabra (licorice) - Sweetener, treatment for Addison's disease

45. Gossypium Species (cotton) - Male contraceptive

46. Hemsleya Amabilis - Treatment for bacillary dysentery

47. Citrus Species (e.g., oranges) - Treatment for capillary fragility

48. Hydrastis Canadensis (goldenseal) - Hemostatic, astringent

49. Hyoscyamus Niger (black henbane, stinking nightshade, henpin) - Anticholinergic

50. Camptotheca Acuminata - Anticancer, antitumor agent

51. Digenea Simplex (wireweed) - Ascaricide

52. Piper Methysticum (kava kava) - Tranquilizer

53. Ammi Visaga - Bronchodilator

54. Digitalis Lanata (Grecian foxglove, woolly foxglove) - Cardiotonic

55. Tabebuia Species (trumpet tree) - Anticancer, antitumor

56. Lobelia Inflata (Indian tobacco) - Smoking deterrant, respiratory stimulant

57. Mentha Species (mint) - Rubefacient

58. Gaultheria Procumbens (wintergreen) - Rubefacient

59. Crotalaria Sessiliflora - Topical antitumor agent

60. Papaver Somniferum (poppy) - Analgesic

61. Andrographis Paniculata - Treatment of dysentery

62. Nicotiana Tabacum (tobacco) - Insecticide

63. Larrea Divaricata (creosote bush) - Antioxidant

64. Papaver Somniferum (poppy) - Antitussive

65. Strophanthus Gratus (ouabain tree) - Cardiotonic

66. Sophora Pschycarpa - Oxytocic

67. Coptis Japonica (Chinese goldenthread, goldthread, Huang-Lia) - Antipyretic, detoxicant

68. Carica Papaya (papaya) - Proteolytic, mucolytic

69. Papaver Somniferum (opium poppy, common poppy) - Smooth muscle relaxant

70. Hydrangea Macrophylla (bigleaf hydrangea, French hydrangea) - Sweetener

71. Physostigma Venenosum (Calabar bean) - Cholinesterase inhibitor

72. Anamirta Cocculus (fish berry) - Analeptic

73. Pilocarpus Jaborandi (jaborandi, Indian hemp) - Parasympathomimetic

74. Podophyllum Peltatum (mayapple) - Expectorant

75. Veratrum Album (white false hellebore) - Antihypertensives

76. Ephedra Sinica (ephedra, ma huang) - Sympathomimetic

77. Cinchona ledgeriana (quinine tree) - Antiarrhythmic

78. Cinchona ledgeriana (quinine tree) - Antimalarial, antipyretic

79. Quisqualis Indica (Rangoon creeper, drunken sailor) - Anthelmintic

80. Rauvolfia Serpentina - Antihypertensive, tranquilizer

81. Rhododendron Molle (rhododendron) - Antihypertensive, tranquilizer

82. Rorippa Indica - Antitussive

83. Lonchocarpus Nicou - Piscicide, Insecticide

84. Stephania sinica - Analagesic, sedative, traquilizer

85. Citrus Species (e.g., orange, grapefruit) - Treatment for capillary fragility

86. Salix Alba (white willow) - Analgesic

87. Sanguinaria Canadensis (bloodroot) - Dental plaque inhibitor

88. Artemisia Maritma (wormwood) - Ascaricide

89. Urginea Maritima (squill) - Cardiotonic

90. Datura Species (e.g., Jimsonweed) - Sedative

91. Cassia Species (cinnamon) - Laxative

92. Silybum Marianum (milk thistle) - Antihepatotoxic

93. Cytisus Scoparius (scotch broom) - Oxytocic

94. Stevia Rebaudiana (stevia) - Sweetener

95. Strychnos Nux-vomica (poison nut tree) - CNS stimulant

96. Taxus Brevifolia (Pacific yew) - Antitumor agent

97. Podophyllum Peltatum (mayapple or mandrake) - Antitumor agent

98. Cannabis Sativa (marijuana) - Antiemetic, decreases occular tension

99. Corydalis Ambigua - Analgesic, sedative, tranquilizer

100. Stephania Tetrandra - Antihypertensive

101. Theobroma Cacao (cocoa) - Diuretic, vasodilator

102. Theobroma Cacao and Others (cocoa, tea) - Diuretic, bronchodilator

103. Thymus Vulgaris (thyme) - Topical antifungal

104. Camptotheca Acuminata - Antitumor, anticancer agent

105. Trichosanthes Kirilowii (snake gourd) - Abortifacient

106. Chondodendron Tomentosum (curare vine) - Skeletal muscle relaxant

107. Valeriana Officinalis (valerian) - Sedative

108. Vinca Minor (periwinkle) - Cerebral stimulant

109. Catharanthus Roseus (Madagascar periwinkle) - Antitumor, Antileukemic agent

110. Pausinystalia Yohimbe (yohimbe) - Aphrodisiac

111. Daphne Genkwa (lilac) - Abortifacient

112. Hemp - Medical marijuana is a term for derivatives of the Cannabis sativa plant that are used to ease symptoms caused by certain medical conditions. Medical marijuana is also known as medical cannabis. Cannabis sativa contains many active compounds. The best known are delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). People use hemp for constipation, high cholesterol, eczema, arthritis, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses. Don't confuse hemp with Canadian hemp, hemp agrimony, cannabis, or cannabidiol (CBD).

113. Sugarcane - Sugarcane has been cultivated in India and other parts of Southeast Asia for millennia and has been used as a common cure for various ailments in the Ayurveda and Unani systems of medicine. Natural sugarcane and its direct derivatives have been used in the treatment of illnesses such as: Hemorrhage (bleeding). It is also used as aphrodisiac, laxative, cooling, demulcent, antiseptic, and tonic. According to the Unani system of medicine, sugarcane juice is considered good for patients with jaundice. Sugarcane is also used for Breast cancer.

114. Aloe Vera - People primarily use aloe's clear gel topically in creams and ointments to treat burns, the skin condition psoriasis and even acne. Some also take the gel orally to treat certain conditions. Aloe latex, a laxative, has been taken orally to treat constipation. The bioactive compounds from Aloe vera are claimed to be very effective in treatment of various ailments, such as burns, allergic reactions, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic fever, acid indigestion, ulcers, diabetes, skin diseases, dysentery, diarrhea, piles and inflammatory conditions of the digestive system.

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