Posted by : Joseph Wayne Fox 9/05/2021

Important Mineral Medicine & Uses

NOTE: Do not use if you're using Synthetic Medication. Please consult with a healthcare provider before using these for medicinal purposes as they may have side effects or interact with other medications.

Here are the roles of the minerals you mentioned in human health:

1. Sodium: Balances fluids in the body, helps send nerve impulses, and helps make muscles contract.

2. Chloride: Helps keep the amount of fluid inside and outside of your cells in balance. It also helps maintain proper blood volume, blood pressure, and pH of your body fluids.

3. Potassium: Balances fluids in the body, helps maintain a steady heartbeat and make muscles contract, and may benefit bones and blood pressure.

4. Calcium: Builds bones and teeth, activates enzymes, helps regulate blood pressure, and aids in muscle contraction.

5. Phosphorous: Helps build strong bones and teeth, manages how your body stores and uses energy, reduces muscle pain after exercise.

6. Magnesium: Like calcium, it builds bones and teeth. It also helps regulate blood pressure and blood sugar, enables muscles to contract, nerves to send messages, blood to clot, and enzymes to work.

7. Sulfur: Helps protect your body's cells from damage, promotes healthy skin, hair, and nails.

8. Iron: Essential for making hemoglobin (the oxygen-carrying chemical in the body's red blood cells) and myoglobin (a protein in muscle cells). It also activates certain enzymes and aids in making amino acids, collagen, neurotransmitters, and hormones.

9. Zinc: Helps blood clot, helps make proteins and DNA, bolsters the immune system, and aids with wound healing and cell division.

10. Iodine: Essential for the production of thyroid hormones, which regulate the body's metabolism, promote growth and development, and help burn dietary fat.

11. Selenium: Protects the body from damage by free radicals and infection.

12. Copper: Assists with metabolizing fuel, making red blood cells, regulating neurotransmitters, and mopping up free radicals.

13. Manganese: Helps form bones and metabolize amino acids, cholesterol, and carbohydrates.

14. Fluoride: Helps prevent tooth decay by making teeth more resistant to acid attacks from plaque bacteria and sugars in the mouth.

15. Chromium: Helps maintain normal blood sugar levels and assists cells in drawing energy from blood sugar.

16. Molybdenum: Activates several enzymes that break down toxins and prevents the buildup of harmful sulfites in the body.

These minerals are essential for maintaining good health and preventing various health conditions. They are usually obtained through a balanced diet, but in some cases, supplements may be needed.


17. Hydrogen - Hydrogen can be administered as a therapeutic medical gas, has antioxidant properties, and reduces inflammation in tissues. Inhalation of hydrogen gas is a straightforward therapeutic method. Hydrogen gas can be inhaled by delivering hydrogen gas through a ventilator circuit, facemask or nasal cannula. Since inhaled hydrogen gas acts more rapidly, it may be suitable for defense against acute oxidative stress.

18. Lithium - Lithium is a type of medicine known as a mood stabiliser. It's used to treat mood disorders such as: mania (feeling highly excited, overactive or distracted) hypo-mania (similar to mania, but less severe)

19. Sodium - Sodium also plays a part in nerve impulses and muscle contractions. Sodium chloride is used to treat or prevent sodium loss caused by dehydration, excessive sweating, or other causes. Sodium chloride may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.

20. Potassium - This medication is a mineral supplement used to treat or prevent low amounts of potassium in the blood. A normal level of potassium in the blood is important. Potassium helps your cells, kidneys, heart, muscles, and nerves work properly. Most people get enough potassium by eating a well-balanced diet.

21. Beryllium - Analyzing blood. Beryllium is also used in components of the analytical equipment used to analyze blood for HIV and other diseases, offering the precision and reliability that doctors and patients demand.

22. Magnesium - Magnesium is most commonly used for constipation, as an antacid for heartburn, for low magnesium levels, for pregnancy complications called pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, and for a certain type of irregular heartbeat (torsades de pointes). Magnesium helps maintain a normal heart rhythm and doctors sometimes administer it intravenously (IV) in the hospital to reduce the chance of atrial fibrillation and cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat). People with congestive heart failure (CHF) are often at risk for developing cardiac arrhythmia.

23. Calcium - This medication is used to prevent or treat low blood calcium levels in people who do not get enough calcium from their diets. It may be used to treat conditions caused by low calcium levels such as bone loss (osteoporosis), weak bones (osteomalacia/rickets), decreased activity of the parathyroid gland (hypoparathyroidism), and a certain muscle disease (latent tetany). It may also be used in certain patients to make sure they are getting enough calcium (such as women who are pregnant, nursing, or postmenopausal, people taking certain medications such as phenytoin, phenobarbital, or prednisone).Calcium plays a very important role in the body. It is necessary for normal functioning of nerves, cells, muscle, and bone. If there is not enough calcium in the blood, then the body will take calcium from bones, thereby weakening bones. Having the right amount of calcium is important for building and keeping strong bones.

24. Strontium - Studies indicate that supplementing with strontium may help reduce bone pain, increase bone mineral density, and reduce the risk of some fractures. may play a role in bone formation, and also may inhibit bone breakdown. Several different forms of strontium are used as medicine and strontium chloride is the most common form of strontium found in dietary supplements. People use strontium for conditions such as tooth sensitivity, weak and brittle bones (osteoporosis), osteoarthritis, prostate cancer, and others.

25. Barium - Your doctor may order a barium swallow to help diagnose a possible structural or functional problem with your upper GI tract. Some common problems that a barium swallow may help diagnose include: hiatal hernia. inflammation.

26. Radium - Immediately, the therapeutic properties of radium rays against cancer were recognised. The use of radium in medicine became so common that every kind of disease was treated by radium therapy: not only breast cancer, but also, diabetes, sciatica, uraemia, rheumatism, and even impotence!

27. Scandium - Scandium radionuclides have been identified in the late 1990s as promising for nuclear medicine applications, but have been set aside for about 20 years. Among the different isotopes of scandium, 43Sc and 44Sc are interesting for positron emission tomography imaging, whereas 47Sc is interesting for therapy.

28. Yttrium - Painless for most people. Safe and well-tolerated. Able to deliver a higher radiation dose than external radiation therapy or radiation given outside the body. Helpful in preserving healthy tissue, as the radiation releases close to the tumor.

29. Lanthanum - Lanthanum is used to reduce blood levels of phosphate in people with kidney disease. High levels of phosphate in the blood can cause bone problems. Lanthanum is in a clsas of medications called phosphate binders.

30. Actinium - Actinium-225 is used in medicine to produce Bi-213 in a reusable generator or can be used alone as an agent for radio-immunotherapy. It is found only in traces in uranium ores as 227-Ac, an a and B emitter with a half-life of 21.773 years.

31. Titanium - Titanium (Ti) and its alloys are widely used for medical and dental implant devices-artificial joints, bone fixators, spinal fixators, dental implant, etc. -because they show excellent corrosion resistance and good hard-tissue compatibility (bone formation and bone bonding ability).

32. Zirconium - Sodium zirconium cyclosilicate is used to treat hyperkalemia (high potassium in the blood). This medicine is a potassium binder. It should not be used as an emergency treatment for life-threatening hyperkalemia. This medicine is available only with your doctor's prescription.

33. Vanadium - Vanadium supplements are used as medicine. Vanadium is used for treating diabetes, low blood sugar, high cholesterol, heart disease, tuberculosis, syphilis, a form of "tired blood" (anemia), and water retention (edema); for improving athletic performance in weight training; and for preventing cancer.

34. Tantalum - Since corrosion contributes to the rejection of metal by the body, an extremely bioinert metal - tantalum - has been successfully used in medicine. The outstanding biocompatibility and flexibility of tantalum established the basis for a growing cadre of clinical applications. Tantalum (Ta) is a refractory metal widely used in biomedicine as a bone substitute, mainly due to its suitable mechanical properties such as fatigue strength and corrosion resistance. Besides being biocompatible and well accepted by the body, Ta also has osteoconductive and osteoinductive properties.

35. Chromium - It might help keep blood sugar levels normal by improving the way the body uses insulin. People use chromium for chromium deficiency. It is also used for diabetes, high cholesterol, athletic performance, bipolar disorder, and many other purposes, but there is no good scientific evidence to support most of these uses.

36. Molybdenum - Molybdenum is most commonly used for molybdenum deficiency. It is also used for cancer of the esophagus, other types of cancer, Wilson disease, and other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses. Molybdenum is a mineral that you need to stay healthy. Your body uses molybdenum to process proteins and genetic material like DNA. Molybdenum also helps break down drugs and toxic substances that enter the body.

37. Tungsten - Tungsten alloys are used for radioactive source containers, gamma radiography, syringe shields, oncology treatment systems and oncology instruments. Tungsten alloys provide unsurpassed strength, control and protection.

38. Manganese - People use manganese as medicine. Manganese is used for prevention and treatment of manganese deficiency, a condition in which the body doesn't have enough manganese. It is also used for weak bones (osteoporosis), a type of "tired blood" (anemia), and symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

39. Technetium - Technetium-99m is used to image the skeleton and heart muscle in particular, but also for brain, thyroid, lungs, liver, spleen, kidney, gall bladder, bone marrow, salivary and lachrymal glands, heart blood pool, infection and numerous specialized medical studies.

40. Rhenium - The successful application of these 188Re-labeled therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals has been reported in multiple early phase clinical trials for the management of various primary tumors, bone metastasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and endocoronary interventions.

41. Iron - Iron (ferrous fumarate, ferrous gluconate, ferrous sulfate) is used to treat or prevent anemia (a lower than normal number of red blood cells) when the amount of iron taken in from the diet is not enough. Iron is a mineral that is available as a dietary supplement. Iron supplements are most often used for certain types of anemia. Anemia can cause fatigue and other symptoms. If you have symptoms of anemia, seek care from your health care provider. Don't try to treat it on your own.

42. Ruthenium - Ruthenium anti-cancer drugs are coordination complexes of ruthenium complexes that have anticancer properties. They promise to provide alternatives to platinum-based drugs for anticancer therapy. No ruthenium anti-cancer drug has been commercialized.

43. Osmium - Osmium is a rare precious metal that could be used to treat cancer with fewer side effects when compared to Platinum, currently used in nearly half of chemotherapies. How exactly Osmium reacts in a single cancer cell has been tracked by researchers from the University of Warwick.

44. Cobalt - Cobalt therapy is the medical use of gamma rays from the radioisotope cobalt-60 to treat conditions such as cancer. Beginning in the 1950s, cobalt-60 was widely used in external beam radiotherapy (teletherapy) machines, which produced a beam of gamma rays which was directed into the patient's body to kill tumor tissue.

45. Iridium - Iridium-192 (Ir-192) is a radioactive isotope. It is a gamma emitter and has a half-life of 74 days. In the medical world, iridium-192 is most commonly used to fight cancer cells. The irradiation source is placed inside the body, this is called brachytherapy.

46. Nickel - Nickel is used for preventing nickel levels in the blood from getting too low (nickel deficiency). It is also used for low levels of healthy red blood cells (anemia) due to iron deficiency and treating weak and brittle bones (osteoporosis), but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.

47. Palladium - Palladium, for example, a rare, silvery-white metal used in many well-known drugs, helps the carbon atoms of two different materials form bonds. Many of today's drugs, from cancer medications to rheumatoid arthritis treatments, could not be made without the help of these catalysts.

48. Platinum - If the blood pressure rises, the vessel may rupture, causing a haemorrhage. Although this can occur anywhere in the body, platinum is mainly used to treat aneurysms in the brain, where surgery is difficult and fraught with risk. Platinum is used because it is inert, easy to shape, and radiopaque. Oxaliplatin with 49 percent platinum is used to treat colorectal cancer. Today, around half of all patients undergoing treatment for cancer receive platinum-based chemotherapy as a first-line treatment that can work alongside newer technologies such as hormonal therapy and immunotherapy.

49. Copper - Copper has been found to be causative in several diseases. New findings with the greatest potential for impact in medicine include the use of copper-lowering therapy for antiangiogenesis, antifibrotic and anti-inflammatory purposes.

50. Silver - Silver has been used as a traditional medicine for thousands of years. Today, colloidal silver is used as an alternative medicine to ward off bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Its proponents claim that it treats various diseases, such as cancer, HIV, Lyme disease, and diabetes.

51. Gold - Gold is an effective medicine for controlling some types of arthritis and related diseases. In some people it helps relieve joint pain and stiffness reduce swelling and bone damage and reduce the chance of joint deformity and disability.

52. Zinc - People commonly use zinc for zinc deficiency, diarrhea, and Wilson disease. Zinc is also used for acne, diabetes, anorexia, burns, and many other purposes. There is some scientific evidence to support its use for some of these conditions. But for most, there is no good scientific evidence to support its use.

53. Mercury - Mercury was used in a wide variety of medical applications: to treat inflammation in the nose and throat; corneal stains; ulcers and warts; as a laxative; to stimulate the biliary function; against diarrhoea and vomiting; against dropsy; against spleen, liver, and lung diseases; and most notably, against syphilis.

54. Aluminum - Aluminum hydroxide is an antacid. Aluminum hydroxide is used to treat heartburn, upset stomach, sour stomach, or acid indigestion. Aluminum hydroxide is also used to reduce phosphate levels in people with certain kidney conditions. Aluminum hydroxide may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.

55. Gallium - In clinical medicine, radioactive gallium and stable gallium nitrate are used as diagnostic and therapeutic agents in cancer and disorders of calcium and bone metabolism.

56. Indium - An FDA-approved prescription drug, called indium (In-111) pentetreotide, is used by healthcare professionals to find certain tumors inside the body. It is given by IV.

57. Thallium - Thallium-201 is a radiopharmaceutical agent used in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease and parathyroid hyperactivity. Other useful applications for a thallium-201 scan, like tumor diagnosis and olfacto-scintigraphy, are being explored and have shown promising results in various studies.

58. Germanium - Germanium is a chemical element. People sometimes use it as medicine. Despite serious safety concerns, germanium is used for cancer, heart disease, hepatitis, glaucoma, and other conditions. But there is no good scientific evidence to support these or other uses.

59. Tin - People use tin as a mouth rinse or toothpaste for conditions such as sensitive teeth and gingivitis. It is also used for conditions such as bad breath, cavities, dry mouth, and plaque, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.

60. Lead - Lead has been found in powders and tablets given for arthritis, infertility, upset stomach, menstrual cramps, colic, and other illnesses traditionally used by East Indian, Indian, Middle Eastern, West Asian, and Hispanic cultures.

61. Antimony - Antimony can have beneficial effects when used for medical reasons. It has been used as a medicine to treat people infected with certain types of parasites. Some side effects have been reported, including heart problems, nausea and vomiting, and muscle and joint pain. Today, neither metallic antimony nor its compounds have a medical use, although up to the 1970s, antimony compounds were used to treat parasitic infections like schistosomiasis.

62. Bismuth - Bismuth subsalicylate is used to treat diarrhea in adults and teenagers. It is also used to relieve the symptoms of an upset stomach, such as heartburn, indigestion, and nausea in adults and teenagers.

63. Polonium - Dimercaprol has been used to treat poisoning with the heavy metals mercury, gold, bismuth, antimony, thallium, and lead. It has been used with some success to chelate polonium.

64. Boron - Boron is a mineral that is found in food and the environment. People take boron supplements as medicine. Boron is used for building strong bones, treating osteoarthritis, as an aid for building muscles and increasing testosterone levels, and for improving thinking skills and muscle coordination. Is essential for the growth and maintenance of bone; Greatly improves wound healing; Beneficially impacts the body's use of estrogen, testosterone, and vitamin D; Boosts magnesium absorption; Reduces levels of inflammatory biomarkers, such as high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and tumor necrosis factor a (TNF-a); Raises levels of antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, and glutathione peroxidase; Protects against pesticide-induced oxidative stress and heavy-metal toxicity; Improves the brains electrical activity, cognitive performance, and short-term memory for elders; Influences the formation and activity of key biomolecules, such as S-adenosyl methionine (SAM-e) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+); has demonstrated preventive and therapeutic effects in a number of cancers, such as prostate, cervical, and lung cancers, and multiple and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; and may help ameliorate the adverse effects of traditional chemotherapeutic agents.

65. Carbon - Activated charcoal, also known as activated carbon, is a medication used to treat poisonings that occurred by mouth. To be effective it must be used within a short time of the poisoning occurring, typically an hour. It does not work for poisonings by cyanide, corrosive agents, iron, lithium, alcohols, or malathion.

66. Silicon - Silicon is a mineral. Silicon supplements are used as medicine. Silicon is used for weak bones (osteoporosis), heart disease and stroke (cardiovascular disease), Alzheimer's disease, hair loss, and improving hair and nail quality.

67. Arsenic - Arsenic (As) is commonly known as a poison. Only a few people know that As has also been widely used in medicine. In the past years As and its compounds were used as a medicine for the treatment of such diseases as diabetes, psoriasis, syphilis, skin ulcers and joint diseases.

68. Nitrogen - Nitrogen is a cryogenic agent used to treat various benign and malignant skin lesions. Nitrogen is a chemical element with symbol N and atomic number 7. At room temperature, it is a transparent, odorless diatomic gas. Liquid nitrogen is used principally in cryotherapy for removal of diseased skin.

69. Phosphorus - Among some uses, keeping the bones and teeth strong. Helping the muscles contract. Aiding muscle recovery after exercise. Filtering and removing waste from the kidneys. Promoting healthy nerve conduction throughout the body. Making DNA and RNA. Managing the body's energy usage and storage.

70. Oxygen - Oxygen therapy is a treatment that provides you with extra oxygen to breathe in. It is also called supplemental oxygen. It is only available through a prescription from your health care provider. You may get it in the hospital, another medical setting, or at home.

71. Sulfur - Sulfur is applied to the skin for dandruff and an itchy skin infection caused by mites (scabies). It is also applied to the skin for acne and skin redness (rosacea), and taken orally for many other conditions, but there is limited scientific evidence to support these uses.

72. Selenium - Selenium is used to treat or prevent selenium deficiency. Selenium has been used in alternative medicine as an aid to treat Hashimoto's thyroiditis (an autoimmune disorder of the thyroid), and to treat high cholesterol. Not all uses for selenium have been approved by the FDA. Selenium plays an important role in the health of your immune system. This antioxidant helps lower oxidative stress in your body, which reduces inflammation and enhances immunity. Studies have demonstrated that increased blood levels of selenium are associated with enhanced immune response.

73. Tellurium - Tellurium Dilution is effective in the treatment of a number of issues including skin disorders, pain in the body, especially back ache and relives ailments associated with ears and eyes.

74. Fluorine - Fluorine-containing drugs are used inmedicine as anesthetics, antibiotics, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory agents,psychopharmaceuticals, and in many other applications. The potential contribution of fluorinatingpharmaceuticals to human fluoride exposure is discussed.

75. Chlorine - Pharmaceuticals: Chlorine is used in the manufacture of various drugs including those used to treat diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, asthma, seizures, cancer and depression. Around 85 percent of pharmaceutical drugs use chlorine or chlorinated compounds during drug manufacture.

76. Bromine - Bromine-based ingredients are used in many over-the-counter and prescription drugs, as well as a treatment for many differing health problems. Bromide ions have the ability to decrease the sensitivity of the central nervous system which makes them effective for use as sedatives, anti-epileptics, and tranquillizers.

77. Iodine - Iodine is an element that is used by the thyroid. Humans cannot produce iodine, so it must be consumed. It is added to some foods and also to salt. Iodine reduces thyroid hormone and can kill fungus, bacteria, and other microorganisms such as amoebas. Iodine deficiency is one of the most common and preventable world health problems. Most iodine is found in the ocean, where it is concentrated by sea life, particularly in seaweed.

78. Astatine - Astatine is of interest as a cancer therapy because it is one of several elements that emit an a particle-a combination of two protons and two neutrons-when it decays. a particles tend to have more energy but travel a shorter distance than other forms of radiation.

80. Helium - Chiefly, the abundance of studies in medicine relating to helium are concentrated in its possibility of being used as an adjunct therapy in a number of respiratory ailments such as asthma exacerbation, COPD, ARDS, croup, and bronchiolitis.

81. Neon - Baclofen(Lioresal Intrathecal) generic Tefsole (10 mg) (Neon) is a derivative of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), prescribed for severe chronic spasticity. It also relieves pain and improves muscle movement.

82. Argon - Argon lasers are used in the treatment of retinal detachment and retinal phototherapy for those who are diabetic; they are also used in surgeries to weld arteries and destroy tumours. The applications for the argon laser system are mainly in the medical field, as it is capable of targeting areas with extreme precision.

83. Krypton - Krypton Abiraterone Tablet is a hormonal treatment not a chemotherapy drug. It is used to treat prostate cancer in adult men that has spread to other parts of the body. Krypton Abiraterone Tablet stops your body from making testosterone. This can slow down the growth of prostate cancer.

84. Xenon - Xenon Xe 133 is a radiopharmaceutical. Radiopharmaceuticals are radioactive agents, which may be used to find and treat certain diseases or to study the function of the body's organs. Xenon Xe 133 gas is used to help diagnose lung problems and to help your doctor see an image of your lungs.

85. Radon - The growing popularity of CT scans and nuclear medicine in medical radiation have replaced radon as the primary source of ionizing radiation exposure (NCRP 2009). Radon has no commercial uses. Except where stated otherwise, this Case Study in Environmental Medicine uses "radon" to refer to radon-222 and its progeny.

86. Cerium - Cerium Pharmaceuticals is dedicated to creating efficacious therapies for patients with kidney diseases. Cerium is currently focused on developing the first drug approved for a very rare kidney disease called Primary Membranous Nephropathy (PMN).

87. Praseodymium - Preparation of radioactive praseodymium oxide as a multifunctional agent in nuclear medicine: expanding the horizons of cancer therapy using nanosized neodymium oxide.

88. Neodymium - The health sector is another field where neodymium magnets are incorporated in medical devices for example in magnetic resonance imaging devices to diagnose and treat chronic pain syndrome, arthritis, wound healing, insomnia, headache, and several other diseases due to their ability to generate a static magnetic field.

89. Promethium - Prometrium is a brand-name medication for a type of progesterone known as micronized progesterone. Progesterone is a hormone that's produced in the ovaries. Progesterone prepares the lining of the uterus to protect and nourish a growing baby during pregnancy. Progesterone also helps control your menstrual cycle.

90. Samarium - A radioactive substance used to treat bone cancer and other cancers that have spread to the bone. Samarium Sm 153 is a radioactive form of the element samarium. It collects in bone, where it releases radiation that may kill cancer cells.

91. Gadolinium - Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agents (GBCA) are intravenous drugs used in diagnostic imaging procedures to enhance the quality of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or magnetic resonance angiography (MRA).

92. Terbium - Terbium (Tb) is the only element in the periodic table offering not only a matched pair but four clinically interesting radioisotopes with complementary nuclear decay characteristics which between them could be used in the full range of procedures in nuclear medicine.

93. Holmium - Which applications does holmium-166 have? Ho-166 can be used in the treatment of primary liver cancer and liver metastases. NRG irradiates the holmium microspheres and supplies these as basic material to Quirem Medical.

94. Erbium - Erbium laser resurfacing is a procedure that uses advanced laser technology to remove the outer layers of skin, revealing new, refreshed skin cells below. This can be used to help smooth the texture of the skin and create an even skin tone.

95. Thulium - Thulium-167 is a promising radionuclide for nuclear medicine applications with potential use for both diagnosis and therapy ("theragnostics") in disseminated tumor cells and small metastases, due to suitable gamma-line as well as conversion/Auger electron energies.

96. Lutetium - Lutetium Lu 177-dotatate is approved to treat: Gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. It is used in adults whose cancer is somatostatin receptor positive.

97. Thorium - Natural thorium samples can be chemically purified to extract useful daughter nuclides, such as 212Pb, which is used in nuclear medicine for cancer therapy. Th (alpha emitter with an 18.68 days half-life) can also be used in cancer treatments such as targeted alpha therapies.

98. Uranium - This makes them candidates for use in targeted alpha therapy agents. These are substances that deliver targeted particles to treat disease. The uranium-230/thorium-226 pair has the unique advantage of emitting multiple alpha particles as they decay. This means they can deliver more destructive energy to cancer cells.

99. Americium - Americium also is used as a radiation source in medical diagnostic devices and in research.

100. Californium - Since 1976 a clinical trial has been conducted to test the feasibility, the potential, and to develop methods for using the neutron-emitting radioactive isotope, californium-252 (Cf-252), for the treatment of cervical cancer.

101. Lawrencium - The obtained results show that Lawrencium nanorods are more appropriate option for using in optothermal human cancer cells, tissues and tumors treatment.

102. Rubidium - Rubidium Rb 82 injection is used in adults to help diagnose heart disease. It is used in a procedure called a positron emission tomography (PET) scan to help your doctor see an image of your heart. This medicine shows how much blood is getting to your heart muscle when you are resting or exercising (stressed).

103. Cesium - Despite serious safety concerns, non-radioactive cesium is taken by mouth for treating cancer. This is sometimes called "high pH therapy." According to people who promote high pH therapy, taking cesium chloride by mouth reduces the acidity of tumor cells (raises their pH), which are described as very acidic.

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